jens ritter
Breathing Speaker sculptures
With these sculptures – looking like fancy HiFi speaker cabinets - Ritter criticizes the current over-consumption of music as background audio decoration or superficial entertainment. Today, music is easily streamed everywhere on all kind of devices, anytime and almost for free. Music hast lost its value! Most people don't take time anymore to listen carefully to an artist's whole album, to deal with its content, the actual message of the artist. There “is” no time for this anymore – music has lost its importance as a real art communication platform.
If a spectator walks past a HYPERSPACER quickly, hectically, unconcentrated and superficially, you get the idea that it is a switched off, silent and non-functional hi-fi loudspeaker.
But if the spectator stands still, takes time, and focusses on the object, if the spectator really engages with the art piece and wants to find out its message, he will suddenly discover its secret: The HYPERSPACER is alive! It’s breathing! The Speakers vibrates in the human breathing frequency of 0.25HZ…
With these sculptures – looking like fancy HiFi speaker cabinets - Ritter criticizes the current over-consumption of music as background audio decoration or superficial entertainment. Today, music is easily streamed everywhere on all kind of devices, anytime and almost for free. Music hast lost its value! Most people don't take time anymore to listen carefully to an artist's whole album, to deal with its content, the actual message of the artist. There “is” no time for this anymore – music has lost its importance as a real art communication platform.
If a spectator walks past a HYPERSPACER quickly, hectically, unconcentrated and superficially, you get the idea that it is a switched off, silent and non-functional hi-fi loudspeaker.
But if the spectator stands still, takes time, and focusses on the object, if the spectator really engages with the art piece and wants to find out its message, he will suddenly discover its secret: The HYPERSPACER is alive! It’s breathing! The Speakers vibrates in the human breathing frequency of 0.25HZ…